Thai man held for running “Little Angel” baby porn group

Amid growing concern over child exploitation, an individual operating a child pornography distribution group labelled Little Angel, notorious for its cache of over 1,000 baby intercourse videos, has been apprehended. Abhisit, the 29 12 months previous behind the group was arrested at a house within the Sattahip district of Chon Buri.
The arrest ensued, thanks to the vigilant activities of Police Colonel Kuekkong Disawat, superintendent of Sub-division 5 of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division (ATPD). Abhisit was a fugitive evading a warrant issued by the Pattaya Provincial Court earlier final week related to the Little Angel group. The arrest adopted expenses of child pornography possession supposed for profit or participation in the creation of kid pornographic material.
Officers from the ATPD had beforehand arrested one other particular person suspected of enticing underage girls to participate in sexual acts, recorded and later disseminated via social media platforms. Limited led regulation enforcement officials to uncover the Little Angel group, a hub for distributing over 1,000 express movies of underage girls. Allegedly, the group profited from the solicitation of membership fees, ranging between a hundred to 300 baht per view.
An undercover operation to infiltrate the Little Angel chat group resulted in the location and subsequent arrest of Abhisit. In his confessions during interrogation, he admitted to the establishment of the group, and the acquisition of the express content material from similar teams on the LINE app.
Abhisit reportedly arrange the Little Angel chat group to incentivise membership fee assortment. He justified his actions with his need to financially support his 10 years old daughter. Upon the conclusion of his questioning, the authorities from ATPD Sub-division 5 took over, to subject him to additional legal processes, reported Bangkok Post..