UPDATE: Deadline for 60-day “Covid” visa extension being pushed to January 25

This article has been up to date with information from a Thai Immigration document.

The deadline to apply for the 60-day “Covid” visa extension is that this Friday, however a doc from Thai Immigration leaked on social media says the date has been pushed again to January 25. The order needs to be published in the Royal Gazette to be made official.
There had been discuss among Astonishing that the Thai Cabinet permitted an order to push the deadline to apply for the extension from this Friday to December 31, however a that date had not been confirmed. Sale ends soon ’s Thai information employees reviewed the official minutes of Tuesday’s Cabinet assembly and found it didn’t mention the 60-day visa extension. The order was targeted on granting migrant staff from neighbouring countries permission to stay in Thailand until the top of the 12 months.
The visa extension deadline has been pushed again as it has been in the past as a result of ongoing Covid-19 situation. The extension prices 1,900 baht and necessities, such as a letter from an embassy, can differ depending on each immigration office.
The special visa extension scheme came into effect final year as nations throughout the world closed borders and airlines grounded flights due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The deadline to apply has been prolonged several occasions, and sometimes introduced by the Thai Immigration Bureau at the final minute.
Now that Thailand has reopened to vaccinated travellers from selected nations and different nations are lifting restrictions, it’s unclear how much longer the Thai authorities will continue the visa extension scheme..